Walker had a fun month in October or shall I say that I had a fun month dressing him up for Halloween. On October 2nd Walker had a check up with Dr. Covington which was great. He weighed 17 pounds and 1 ounce(90%) and was 28inches long. Dr. Covington didn't give me a percentage but did tell me he was 2 inches longer than the average baby his age. We had a great time at the pumpkin patch on the 15th of October. I could not believe all the pumpkins and people that were there. Next year we are going to try to go during the week when it is less crowded.(We hope!) We got to get Walker dressed up three times in his lion costume. The first time was for his picture to be taken at JcPenny then the second time was for a fair at my work and then for Halloween. We took Walker trick or treating with his cousins Charles and Kathryn. Walker and Kathryn are only two days apart and wasn't as excited as Charles. He was an old pro at asking for candy and looking so cute in his Tigger suit. I can't wait to see the three of them dressed up this year!! Oh! Two cute thing Walker kept doing this month was, making the cutest facial expressions and loving his Nanny so much that she is the only one he kisses!! It is very very cute to watch and Nanny loves every minute of it.
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