Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hello! I know it has been awhile since I have posted pictures of Walker so I am updating you now. Today, Walker and I talked Josh into playing hookie from work. Let me tell you it wasn't that hard to do. We decided to take Walker to a miniature animal farm in Canton, Georgia. We had a great time, who wouldn't in this weather. They have everything miniature that you can think of from cats to pigs. My favorite was the babydoll sheep that only get 34 inches tall, Josh's was the cows that get 44 inches tall, and Walker's favorite was the bunnies that are not miniature. They were giant rabbits!!! After we went to the farm we came back for Walker to take a nap then headed back out. This time we went to Atlantic Station to see what was there and to go to Old Navy. We ate pizza outside and walked around a little bit. We really enjoyed it there and can't believe that we haven't been there sooner. Notice Walker's so cute overalls. He had to wear them to go to a farm!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sorry no pictures this time. I keep forgetting my camera upstairs so when funny stuff happens I don't have time to get it. I wanted to brag about my son and how fast he picks up on things. It is amazing!! He now knows how to howl at the firetrucks better then the dogs(and sooner than they do) and his newest trick that his dad loves is that he can drink out of the dog's water bowl just like them. You read right. I went outside the other night to see what Walker and Josh were doing and I looked over and there was Elmo, BJ, Sadie,& Walker with their heads in the water bowl. If that doesn't make a mama proud I don't know what does! :0 Gross!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Boy Part
The doctor said that everything looked great and that he is about 15 ounces already!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's A Boy!!!!!
I will post pictures after Walker goes to bed.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

No picture just wanted to tell on Josh. Yesterday I was really tired when Walker woke up so Josh got him and took him downstairs to feed him. An hour went by and I'm laying in bed asleep when I hear a sweet little voice say Mama. I open my eyes and it is Walker with a cup and toy in his hands. I look around and I can't find Josh so I call out for him. He yells back that he is in the bathroom downstairs. I jump up and look and Josh left the gate open downstairs. Walker climbed all the stairs by himself. :0 I am so glad that he didn't decide to go back down them when he made it to the top. Josh said that is why moms stay at home and dads shouldn't. I agree! :)

P.S. Tomorrow is the day we find out what we are having!!! I can't believe how fast it has been. I will post the answer on the blog so I don't have to call everybody!! More news tomorrow!

Monday, September 3, 2007

I forgot about our dinner picnic at Grant Park. For dinner I was still in family mode(You have to realize that Walker and I only see Josh about an hour or two at night so weekends are our favorite especially holiday weekends) so we went and picked up some chicken and took it to the park. The playground was packed but the walk was very nice. It was something new and different for us to enjoy. The only hard part was that Walker was trying to get to every dog that walked by.

We decided to take Walker to the Yellow River Game Ranch to for labor day. He loved it for the most part. His favorite was all the chickens, ducks,and geese running around. It was cute when he saw the cow because we walked right up to it and before we could say cow Walker said "Moo" real loud. He also said moo to the goats so I guess that will be the next animal I work on with him. The pig was my favorite, her name was Wilma.

We decided to take Walker to subway for the first time the other day and have his first sub. I didn't know it but they have mini subs for kids which is so cute. We got Walker a turkey with cheese on wheat plan. Both Josh and I thought our sandwiches were not that good but I think Walker loved his. He ate the whole thing!!!! Everything!! It was so funny and great to see him enjoying life's simple things. If only we all could see the world through a child's eyes!


Another first for Walker this month was a haircut!! I took him to the wonderful lady that does my hair. She has a grandson a little older then Walker so I knew she had all the stuff. He did pretty good for his first time which made me so proud. Now he looks like a little boy but still just as cute as before. The best part of the haircut to Josh was that it was free.
This is drugs

This is my baby on drugs!

Any Questions?

Walker had his 1st fever ever on August 15th which scared me to death. I was trying to be one of those calm moms and not call the nurse's desk to much but when I started talking to the very nice nurse she said that she understood completely so I cried on the phone with her. That night we could not get Walker's fever down so we took him to the after hours care. When we got there his fever was 104.4 which made the nurse worry a little, which in turn made me worry even more, but the doctor came in and said that with no symptoms there was really nothing to worry about. We fought the fever for three days and then it went away and small dots appeared on Walker's face and tummy. Me scared again, I called the nurse's desk and she said it was more then likely Roseola and it should go away in three days. It did and the good news is that he should not get it again and she also said the he contracted it 10 to 13 days before the fever. That would put us at my Grandma Roach's birthday party. Lots of kids so who knows!! The good thing is that we survived the first sickness!! At 15 months the doctor was impressed!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

This is a picture of Wilmer threatening to wop mom if she didn't quit taking his picture!

This is not the best but this was Walker's birthday and Polly called me over to Nanny's house because Nanny, Polly, and Wilmer wanted to see him on his birthday.

I will post more about August later but I wanted to post this first. August 16th I lost one of my favorite uncles in the world. He always loved to pick on you but it was all in fun and he loved babies well at least my baby. Uncle Wilmer was crazy about Walker from the first time I told him I was pregnant (all though he did wish twins on me) but once they met Walker instantly took to him. I would take Walker to see Wilmer as often as I could but not as much as I wanted to. Uncle Wilmer will be missed very much but I know that Walker just has another angel watching over him from above.