We didn't do to much in this month that I can remember. I will just do the highlights for the month instead if boring everyone with 1st time mom little news. Walker's highlights go as followed:
- He had his first real bath and hated every minute. His 2nd one was two days later which he loved.
- He had his 2nd well check with Dr. Covington who he liked a lot. Walker weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces (70%) 22 3/4 inches (90%) I don't remember his head size but it was 75%. The doctor said he was a picture of health.
- Walker went to his Nana's birthday party and was a little over whelmed by the people. He cried just about the whole time.
- His first real smile that I couldn't blame on gas was June 14th.
- On June 28th he slept from 10:30pm til 6:30am. From then on he slept through the night for the most part.
The bottom picture is an idea Josh's sister gave me, but I haven't kept up with it like I should. Her idea was to put Walker in the same chair each month so you can see how much he grows. She did it with her 1st child and I loved seeing the difference in Charles.
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