Friday, April 20, 2007

And He's Off

I don't know what happened to Walker but he decided to do everything this week. I put him on the floor the Monday after Easter and he started crawling. I think he knew how to do it a long time ago because there was no hesitation. When he would stop and think about what he was doing that's when he would fall and go backwards again. He would get mad at me because I wouldn't pick up right away. I tried explaining to him that he had to learn sometime but he didn't understand.(You can tell by the picture) Tuesday I stood him behind a push toy and he took off walking behind it all over the living room. He walked a little wobbly but for the most part he did very good. Wednesday I wanted to see if he could hold his own bottle. At first he didn't want to but then I put his hands around the bottle and he held it the whole time. It helped that Sesame Street was on and he could lay there and watch it. Thursday he fed himself mash potatoes. He did pretty good! At first I would dip the spoon then give it to him then I started letting him dip it . I was impressed how he made it to his mouth every time, but then again we are talking about him and food.

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