We were not planning on it but after lunch Walker, Josh and I went back to Nana & Papa's house. Josh wanted to go because he didn't want to cut the grass at home. We stayed there long enough for Nana to rock Walker to sleep. He would not take a nap for me and he was so tired( as you can she in the picture) but, Nana has that touch or shall I say pillows that gets him to sleep every time.
Monday, April 30, 2007
This is everyone that came to Miranda's special day from left to right: Josh, Nana, Walker, Melissa, Lindsay, Papa, Jennifer, Bryan, Miranda, and Granny. You can't see Miranda's face that good in the picture but she was a great baby the whole time.
We had a slow Saturday but a busy Sunday. Sunday was Miranda's (my niece) baby dedication at her church Grace Baptist. Walker is very much into crawling so Josh and I had to take him out in the hallway so he could crawl during the preaching. Walker loved the singing so at least we got to hear that part.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Josh, Walker, & I are asking everyone to pray for Grandmama Boone & Nanny. Grandmama Boone has suffered a light heart attack and a stroke last week and Nanny has had a light stroke this week. Grandmama Boone should be going to a rehab place hopefully Monday. I am not sure what they can do to improve her condition at this time. Nanny came home Friday and will be receiving physical therapy at home. Someone still has to stay with her but at least she is home.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Family Reunion
This past weekend we went to South Georgia for a family reunion. I know that most people hate going to family reunions but this is one Josh and I look forward to every year. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures because Saturday it was raining and Sunday it was very cold. The pictures I do have are of his favorite cousin down there. Briana was carrying him everywhere and Walker is just about as big as so is. It was cute.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Easter at home
And He's Off
I don't know what happened to Walker but he decided to do everything this week. I put him on the floor the Monday after Easter and he started crawling. I think he knew how to do it a long time ago because there was no hesitation. When he would stop and think about what he was doing that's when he would fall and go backwards again. He would get mad at me because I wouldn't pick up right away. I tried explaining to him that he had to learn sometime but he didn't understand.(You can tell by the picture) Tuesday I stood him behind a push toy and he took off walking behind it all over the living room. He walked a little wobbly but for the most part he did very good. Wednesday I wanted to see if he could hold his own bottle. At first he didn't want to but then I put his hands around the bottle and he held it the whole time. It helped that Sesame Street was on and he could lay there and watch it. Thursday he fed himself mash potatoes. He did pretty good! At first I would dip the spoon then give it to him then I started letting him dip it . I was impressed how he made it to his mouth every time, but then again we are talking about him and food.
We had a full day Sunday. My mom went to church with us then over to the Boone's house for our traditional dogwood tree picture. After some snacks and some pictures we were off to Nanny's to see Miranda.(and everyone else.) Walker's Nana and Papa came over later to see the grand kids for Easter. Unfortunately Walker didn't a chance to see his other cousins so I will post the picture of the Easter egg hunt. I'm hoping to get their pictures made at Grandmama 's house later in the Easter outfits. *Remind me next year not to wear white please. I stick out like a marshmallow.

It's another tooth. This time it is his too left tooth that has been bothering him for a month or more. This week Walker's Grandmama and I had his picture made with the Easter bunny. He did pretty good until I moved and he held out his hands for me. I think that this is one picture of Walker that looks exactly like Josh. I couldn't have asked for a cuter or sweeter boy.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
March 2007
This was a busy month compared to the last two. I will just list them because that is easier for me:
- March 4th we went to the Wilkerson farm. We had lunch with the whole crew but we didn't mind because they have always made us feel like family. After lunch we went to see all the different animals. The goats, chickens,turkeys and bunny Walker liked a lot but once Twister the cow gave him a loud Moo in the face he didn't like the cows or donkeys. I guess they were a little to big for him.
- I had his 9 month picture taken and for the first time Walker cried during them. The girl wasn't that friendly towards him at all.
- We finally made it to the zoo. Big animals still scare him a little but he had fun for the most part. We did get to see the baby panda but I think me and Granny were more excited then him.
- It's a girl! Walker has another cousin. My brother Bryan and his wife Jennifer had a beautiful baby girl named Miranda Jade Roach on March 16th. She weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces and was 21 inches long.
- The next day we went to see some friends that just moved to Hoschton. We have not seen them in a year and it was a great visit. They have two kids a girl named April and a boy named Andrew. They are both so cute and I can't believe how fast they have grown.
- Let him eat steak!!! Walker tried steak for the 1st time this month and he LOVED it! Like I said earlier-Like father like son!!
- Another well check at Dr. Hodel's. This time I brought Josh's mom for backup and I was soooo glad I did. They took his blood just like you would an adult. Yes- can you believe that!! I know I cried way more then Walker did. He cried because we had to pin him down. It was awful!! The good news was that he had a great report. Walker weighed 24pounds(75%) and was 31 inches long.(75%)
- On Josh's birthday we got to go to the Decatur Easter egg hunt with Charles and Kathryn. Charles found a prize egg!!
February 2007
Walker is still not crawling so we bought him a walker hoping that would encourage him to move but he moves backwards in that also. After a couple of times he started moving forward and now follows me all around the house. Now I know where the saying be careful what you wish for. He started babbling more and even said mama to me!! Josh got a new(used) truck on the 24th of this month and we all love it. He got a four door Dodge truck. Walker also went to his cousin Charles 3rd birthday party and had lots of fun. There were a lot of babies he could play with five plus Charles to be exact. He just loves other babies. I wish I could get him in a play group but his naps come first on my list. Walker has accomplished waving hello and bye-bye to everyone. It is so cute because he waves backwards for bye. He is also drinking out of a sippy cup a lot. I found some that uses straws and he does the best with them. He looks so grown up in this picture.
January 2007
He can speak!! Walker started saying da-da now. I'm not sure if he can connect the two because he keeps calling Holley da-da. Oh well it's a start. Walker's trying to crawl but all he can do is scoot backwards and get mad because he's not going anywhere. Like father like son. His 2nd tooth came through on the 7th. Josh found it while feeding him breakfast and was so excited to show me. Josh also bought into Snap-on tools and loves it. He had to go to training in Texas on the 20th which means I got to quit working completely at the bank. His training lasted a week and all he missed with Walker was him pooping in the tub. That was gross and funny at the same time. Poor guy didn't know what he did wrong, all he knew was that his bath ended quick and his butt got squirted off with the sprayer. I re bathed him once everything was clean again.
December 2006
Good thing it was slow last month because we caught up with it this month. So much happened this month that I will just list them.
- 1st Christmas party at Granny's house on the 2nd of December.
- We did our traditional tree farm hunt with Walker's Nana,Papa, Aunt Lindsay and us. Josh and I started this when we first got married and hopefully with continue through out the years to come. This year we tried a new tree farm that had more animals then trees. We ended up getting our tree at Home Depot but Walker did enjoy playing with the goats and sheep.
- Walker had his picture taken with Santa on the 4th of this month. He did so good and even tested to see if the beard was real. Unfortunately for Santa it was real.
- He got to meet a new doctor this month. Dr. Hodel is is new doctor and both Walker and I love her and her office. My mom went with me so I didn't have to handle his shot by myself. I was so glad that she went with me. Walker weighed 20 pounds and 5 ounces(75%) and was 28 1/3 inches long(90%)
- Hooray!!! We now have a tooth. Just in time for Christmas turkey! Walker's bottom tooth broke through on December 19th during a shopping trip with Nanny.
- December 23rd was the first time Walker spent the night with his Nana and Papa so we could get some last minute things finish before Santa arrived.
Here goes the hectic schedule of Christmas time:
- Christmas Eve - We went to Papa and Nana's house to open presents with Bryan, Jennifer, Lindsay. Later that day we went to Grandmom's house to eat our usual Christmas Eve dinner-pizza. That is one of my favorite parts of Christmas eve.
- Christmas Day - This year it went very smooth. I wish it could be this easy every year. We got up and enjoyed opening our gift with Walker. Both Josh and I loving buying gifts for each other so we had just as many gifts as Walker.( Sad but very true.) It was great being able to enjoy our first Christmas as a family. We got over to Nanny's to eat lunch around noon then off to Grandmama's and Grandaddy's around 3:00pm. There we opened presents with Jenn, Charlie, Charles, Kathryn, Grandmama, and Grandaddy. After we got finished opening all our gifts it was time for the Boone family to arrive. Grandmama McCord , Lynn, and Clint also came to the Boone's house for Christmas. This Christmas was so easy because we usually have to go to at least 4 houses but this year was only 2. Thank goodness for Walker's sake.
- Day after Christmas - We went to Walker's Granny and Paw-Paw's house. It was such a good surprise when everyone showed up. We have not had the whole gang together for Christmas in years. Everyone as in Josh, Walker, me, Bryan, Jennifer, Ansley, her Josh, Jeff, Tara, Tyler, Granny, Paw-Paw, and dogs everywhere. Yes, they have 7 dogs and Walker loves them all. I am so glad that Walker is a animal lover!! I think it shows what kind of person he'll be later.
November 2006
Sad to say but not a busy month at all from what I can remember. I looked in my journal and there was only two things written down. One was that Josh sold his Pepperidge Farm business and started training with Snap-on and the other was Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving we went to my Grandmom's family which I have not been to in a couple of years and then we went to Grandmomma Roach's house. Walker was so good and went to everyone that held out their hands.
October 2006

Walker had a fun month in October or shall I say that I had a fun month dressing him up for Halloween. On October 2nd Walker had a check up with Dr. Covington which was great. He weighed 17 pounds and 1 ounce(90%) and was 28inches long. Dr. Covington didn't give me a percentage but did tell me he was 2 inches longer than the average baby his age. We had a great time at the pumpkin patch on the 15th of October. I could not believe all the pumpkins and people that were there. Next year we are going to try to go during the week when it is less crowded.(We hope!) We got to get Walker dressed up three times in his lion costume. The first time was for his picture to be taken at JcPenny then the second time was for a fair at my work and then for Halloween. We took Walker trick or treating with his cousins Charles and Kathryn. Walker and Kathryn are only two days apart and wasn't as excited as Charles. He was an old pro at asking for candy and looking so cute in his Tigger suit. I can't wait to see the three of them dressed up this year!! Oh! Two cute thing Walker kept doing this month was, making the cutest facial expressions and loving his Nanny so much that she is the only one he kisses!! It is very very cute to watch and Nanny loves every minute of it.
September 2006

This month I started a new position at the Ellenwood branch. My position is part-time drive-thru lady. It involves me working Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday nights until 8:00pm. It was very hard on me to miss out on family time but that was the schedule that fit us best. Walker started rolling side to side this month but not front to back. He didn't like being on his stomach to much. On the 11th of this month he tried cereal with a little bit of bananas and loved it!!! He has been a really easy baby about trying new foods. He tries anything and if he doesn't like it he'll make a face and still eat it. (Just like his Nandaddy) Walker went to his first of many family reunions this month at Stone Mountain. Almost all of Walker's family from south Georgia came and loved him. He was a great baby for the reunion.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
August 2006

August was a pretty good month because I was able to quit my fulltime job and work part time. That meant that I would have to leave Locust Grove and work in Ellenwood which is a lot closer to home. It was very hard leaving the people you worked 5 years with but Walker was worth ever minute of it. My last day at the Locust Grove Branch was August 25th. Since I was moving to part-time that meant no insurance so on the 30th of August I had my gallbladder taken out. I did way better then I thought I would do. Thank you Jesus!!!!
Walker time:
- He went for another well check on the 3rd. Walker weighed 13pounds 3 ounces and was 25 inches long. I don't have the percentages because Josh had to take him and you know most dads. I was lucky to get the measurements.
- Walker had to spend the night with his Grandmama and Grandaddy because we both had to be at work early. I cried when I had to leave him! What can I say-I'm attached.
- On the 16th we had to take Walker to the doctor for an ear infection. It wasn't bothering him but his ear smelled like a dogs ear.
- August 29th Walker had his picture taken for the first time at JcPenny. He did great!
July 2006

July was a busier month because I felt better taking Walker out in public. I was an old fashion mom and didn't want to take Walker out in the public much until he was six weeks old. It seemed to work because so far Walker hasn't been sick but for one small ear infection. Here are all the events in July:
- July 2nd was his first time in church-Ebenezer United Methodist - Conyers
- Walker rode on the boat for the 1st time July 4th. He loved it and even went to sleep while his Grandaddy was driving rough.
- On July 22nd Josh and I had our 10 year class reunion which I was dreading like the plague but it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Walker spent the night with his Grandmama and Grandaddy and had loads of fun like always.
- Walker was Christened on July 30th at Ebenezer United Methodist. A lot of family came to watch, there was Walker's mommy(me),daddy(Josh), Grandmama, Grandaddy, Granny, Nana, Papa, Jenn, Charlie, Charles, Kathryn, Bryan, Lindsay, Nanny, Grandmomma Roach, Grandma Boone, Grandmama McCord, Grandmom, Ken, Barbara, Amanda, Sandra, and Shey.
- July 31st was one of the hardest days because I had go back to work. Josh stayed home until mom could get there at 8:30am. It made it easier for me because I left while Walker was still a sleep.
June - 2006

We didn't do to much in this month that I can remember. I will just do the highlights for the month instead if boring everyone with 1st time mom little news. Walker's highlights go as followed:
- He had his first real bath and hated every minute. His 2nd one was two days later which he loved.
- He had his 2nd well check with Dr. Covington who he liked a lot. Walker weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces (70%) 22 3/4 inches (90%) I don't remember his head size but it was 75%. The doctor said he was a picture of health.
- Walker went to his Nana's birthday party and was a little over whelmed by the people. He cried just about the whole time.
- His first real smile that I couldn't blame on gas was June 14th.
- On June 28th he slept from 10:30pm til 6:30am. From then on he slept through the night for the most part.
The bottom picture is an idea Josh's sister gave me, but I haven't kept up with it like I should. Her idea was to put Walker in the same chair each month so you can see how much he grows. She did it with her 1st child and I loved seeing the difference in Charles.
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