Well the time has come for Walker to start preschool.( He is going to our church preschool three days a week from 9:00am to noon.) I woke up early and got ready then I heard Walker coming out of his room about 7:30am. Aden wasn't awake yet so Walker and I had some great mommy and son time talking and laughing. He was excited about school and his new book bag aka backpack. He told me that he wanted me and Mamama to go to school with him, Charles and Kathryn. So then I had to explain that his cousins didn't go to his school and mommy and Mamama(Grandmama) were to old to go to his school. He was okay with it but not great.
There are no more pictures of him in class because I couldn't hold myself together to take another picture. I think the teacher could sense or see that I was about to lose it so she distracted Walker with a puzzle while kissed on the head and told him to be good. Then I made a run for the door and lost it in the hallway. Don't get me wrong because I know that Walker is going to have a blast and I am so excited about the friends he will make but leaving him with strangers that I just meet was the hard part. The funny part of this thing is that Aden was with the whole time. I kinda forgot he was in my arms this whole time so when I lost it after leaving Walker he was freaked out. I looked at his little face while buckling him up and started laughing. We was scared I think because he kept staring at me then the school and then saying Walker. I told him that we would be back to pick Walker up later which he seemed to understand. I decided that Aden and I needed some shop therapy at the mall. Aden ended up get some new "running" shoe(that's what Walker calls sneakers) just like his brother's. After shopping we headed back to pick up Walker and as soon as the teacher put him in the truck he started crying that he didn't want to go home that he wanted to stay at school. That little stinker had me worried and crying most the morning about him and he was fine the whole time. :) He told me he has new friends named Eli and Bubba. It is to cute to hear him say Bubba. So end of story is I survived...... barely....... but I did.
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