Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today we had a very low key day, which was very nice for a change. We hung around the house this morning and Walker got to feed the bunnies carrots and bread then we went out to find him some shoes and mail Josh's tools. I found 2 at Target but there is not a good selection of boy sandals out there. We went to payless first and they had nothing in his size(6W) So after going to Target and digging I finally found one pair for $2.50 & the other pair for $3.30. When we left Target we decided to ride around some because Walker feel asleep in the car and we didn't want to wake him. We looked at all the over priced houses for sell around us. We both hope they get what they are asking for so we can sell high also. Josh cooked us dinner while Walker and I cleaned his toys up but he wasn't much help. After dinner it was still early so we decided to take Walker to Barnes&Noble and let him pick out a new book while Josh and I got a coffee drink. Josh got to see how much Walker loves the book store and now that he can walk he enjoys it even more. When we got back Josh gave Walker his bath and read his new book to him so I snapped the picture. As you can see from the picture Josh needed the coffee. P.S. I felt the baby move for the first time last night, and this time I am sure it wasn't gas because I felt it again today. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

WHOOPS! I've been feeding Ty peanut butter for the last couple of weeks. The first time we did it we really watched him and he was fine. He also has had chocolate before. My crazy doctor never told me stuff like that. I thought you were just supposed to sample one new food at a time. Well, he's still alive so I guess he'll be fine. Walker is SOOOO cute!