Saturday, August 11, 2007

Doctor Visit - 15 mths

Walker had a well check with the Dr. Hodel Friday where we found out that she will no longer be his doctor. She is moving to Illinois to be with her husband. Walker's report was very good like always and now he can have egg whites and peanut butter. At first she said shy away from the nuts until I told her I fed Walker chick-fil-a without thinking it was fried in peanut oil. She said if he did fine with that he should be able to start eating nuts. We still aren't going to go crazy with the nuts but it is nice to have more options for lunch. The doctor said to still not give him chocolate until he is two. Josh and I were so excited about giving him scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning but Walker wanted no part of them. He spit them out faster then Josh could move his hand away. Oh well, I don't care to much for eggs myself. Oh Walker's head size 19.21(90%) weight 26.7 (76%) & height 2' 8"(92%) She said that he was at perfect proportion and that he was going to be a pretty tall boy. He also had to get two shots but he did very good with them and only cried when she stuck him. As soon as she finished and I picked him up he quit crying. I can not say enough what a perfect(for the most part) baby he has been. :) The picture of Walker is on the ways home from the doctor's office.

1 comment:

Grandmama said...

Looks like we have a line backer in the family! Hope they have a helment that will fit.