You see this cute little sweet face? A face that could do no wrong. A face that never starts fights or hits his brother because after all he is the baby. Times have changed and I think the playing field is about even between the two brothers. What Aden lacks in strength and size he makes up for in brains and pure meanness. He will wait until Walker is not paying attention find some sort of weapon(golf clubs are usually his first choice) and go to town whacking Walker over and over again. It's a little funny to watch this take place because the look on both of their faces are priceless. Aden has a plain blank look on his face and Walker is in disbelief that his younger brother is beating the crap out of him. Don't get me wrong I don't sit there and watch this go on and on. This happens in a matter of minutes. Aden knows when to strike because I am usually putting clothes away when I start hearing the screams.
Yesterday we were at my Nannie's house and we got to witness the true younger brother colors of Aden. You see Walker usually gets in trouble for taking a toy away from Aden when he is playing with it. Well I was walking to the back porch behind Aden, (which he did not know I was behind him) and I watched him run straight to Walker and snatch the toy out of Walker's hand and start screaming bloody murder. He was trying to make it look like Walker started it all but I saw everything and so did Nannie. We both were laughing so hard that I didn't get a chance to correct the action that took place. That little booger has already figured it out!!! I know that I'm going to have my hands full for a very long time to come but it is so worth it. I LOVE the fact that they can talk to each other and figure stuff out together. They love to talk to each other in the car and if I turn it to up beat music they both dance to it. I love my little monkeys!!
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