I know that it has been forever since I updated on Aden so here is a little bit about him. He went for his six month check up on August 11th and did very well . He weighed 17 pounds 11 ounces (42%) and it 2 feet 2.25 inches tall (30%) The doctor said that he is a little on the small side so I needed to bump up his food intake. He said that the food was more important than the bottle which I hated to hear. Bottles are so easy to make and feed and food takes soooooo much time to feed. So now I feel that I am feeding someone all day long from Walker to Aden and then to me. He is getting better at eating so it is not that bad. This is what he eats:
Breakfast -3 tablespoons for baby oatmeal mixed with a jar of fruit and a 8 oz bottle
Lunch - 1 jar of fruit and 1 jar of veggies and a 8 oz bottle
Dinner - 4 tablespoons of rice cereal mixed with i jar of veggies and a 6 oz bottle
Bedtime - 8 oz bottle
See what I mean about someone eating all the time?!
Aden still is not the best at sleeping but all I can compare him to is Walker and Walker is the best sleeper there is. I know that some of that is my fault because I know that he needs to cry it out when he wakes up in the middle of the night but I can't take the crying. I will work on that soon I hope.
Aden is a very BIG mama's boy, he's head strong,the cutest baby, sweet , lovable, loves hugs and kisses, very smart, (knows patty-cake)and thinks his brother is the BEST thing in the world. (He is also crazy about his daddy too)
I always thought that I would have a girl and was kinda shocked when they said another boy but was still happy about another healthily baby boy. Still when you go shopping and see all the cute girl clothes, you wonder what it would be like. But it hit me like a ton of bricks a couple months ago how much I LOOOVVVVEEE being a mom to two of the sweetest and cutest boys on the earth. I would not trade my boys for anything!!!!! Walker and Aden you make mommy smile and laugh all the time. I love watching you both love on each other and I just hope when you grow up that you still love each other just as much.
On another note about Aden being the younger sibling. It was just the other day I was talking to Beth(my M-I-L) about how I can understand the looks that Aden gives Walker. I told her that I think every one should experience being the younger sibling. I know that when I was younger I adored my brother soooooo much. He was everything to me. I would always go to his room to sleep when I was scared, he was like a hero to me. I see the look that Aden gives Walker and it makes my heart swell. Now that said don't get me wrong because I am prepared for the days to come when they destroy the house rough housing and having arguments but at least I can close my eyes and remember how they are at this very moment in time. ;)
You DO have two of the sweetest boys in the world. How did we get so lucky? We can trade younger siblings anytime you want and you can have a shot at a baby girl! :)
hey there lissa, this is your favorite aunt on your mothers side of the family. enjoy them now because the teenage years are hectic. I love walker with all of his faces and how he is so sweet. and I love aiden because he will come to me when i want to hold him and that he is just as sweet as walker and i love them both hopefully i will get to see them again before they go to college. I love you and youand josh are doing a good job taking care of the little ones. love you ann.
Oh Lissa!!
How sweet!! You're right, you & Josh better enjoy these times with these boys because before you know it, they are grown!! So...proud of my grandchildren!!
love you, Mom
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