My little sister is growing up so fast!! She went to her first prom on April 12Th and I was so nervous for her. She went with a friend and a bunch of other couples. Her date came and picked her up then went to one friends house to get some pictures made and then to the house where the limo was picking them up. Limos have come a long way since I went to prom some 10 years ago. They are huge and decked out, her had one huge sitting area and a little one in the very back. When I talked to her the next day she said that they had fun but got to the prom real late because they went to eat first. She said that they ate, went to prom , and then to a friends house for an after party. I heard about the party before hand and freaked out inside until my dad said that they investigated the party and it was safe. He said there was as many parents as kids. Poor Lindsay, she has two moms when it come to things like this. It is a totally different relationship when you are 15 years older then your little sister. I get to fuss at her but I also get to be friends with her. I just want the best for and of her. Lord help the guy that seriously starts dating her because Josh loves her as much as I do. He will have at least 4 adults to deal with and two tough toddlers. No one better mess with Walker's Aunt Burp Burp. If you ever read this Lindsay we love you!!!!!
lissa, she is so pretty she looks just like a younger vicki. that is really great color for her. now you how i felt when you came along. great pictures cute guy.
I love the orange tie!
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