This was different then with Walker b/c with Walker I really only remember the labor pain but with Aden I felt the contraction up to about 9 cm.
It went as followed-4:30 Wednesday morning I woke up feeling different and then I felt the little gush. It was yellow and brown this time so I wasn't sure if it was my water breaking or what, so I sat there for a few minutes. Then started the cramping and light contractions. I woke Josh up and told him to call his mom and then I called the doctor. He told me to come on in to take a look. We finished getting ready while my contraction were about 4 minutes apart. Josh's mom got to our house at 5:30am and off to the hospital we went. On the way to the hospital the contractions got stronger and became 3 minutes apart. This time I tried breathing and squeezing the heck out of Josh's hand. It seemed to help a little bit. We got to the hospital around 6:00am and they checked me which I was 6 1/2cm by that time and they told me that the baby was in stress. The sweet nurse saw that I was scared and in a lot of pain so she reassured me that the baby was fine and that she would start pump me with pain meds b/c they didn't think I would have time for a epidural. The doctor checked me again at 7:45am and I was a 9cm. They then had my room ready because we arrived during shift change and we were waiting on a room and a nurse. A little past 8:00am I was able to get my epidural and this time the guy was great b/c it worked so good. Around 8:40am I started pushing, I pushed about 5 times, then the nurse called the doctor in b/c Aden's heart rate was in the 80s. He came in and told me that we had to get the baby out and he had to use the forceps. (Thank God for the epidural)Within 5 minutes Aden was out.
1 comment:
These pictures are all sweet, especially since we could not be there for the big ocassion. We love it!
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