Our first attempt to get the boys picture together. Not so good but I will keep trying. Today was Aden's 1 month appointment. He now weighs 10 ponds and 10 ounces and is 23 inches long. Aden is having some trouble with reflux so they put him on some medicine but everything else looked great.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
First Bath for Aden
He was a little better than Walker was. At first he hated it then he seemed to not mind it too much. He hated getting out of the warm water the most. Now he only cries when I take him out of the bath. He screams his head off until I get him all dressed and warm again. Walker enjoys helping me with the bath and putting lotion on him. He tries to kiss him the whole time or puts his pacifier in Aden's mouth to calm him down. Needless to say it doesn't help the situation that much but it is so sweet to watch. I don't think there is a sweeter more loving big brother out there then Walker. I makes you love him even more.
First Doctors Appointment
Aden's first doctors appointment was on February 4th.(Yes I know that I am a little late posting but give me a little break!!:) Two kids!!) Walker spent the night with the Boones because it was an all day event with doctors for Aden. We first went to his 1 1/2 week appointment with Ms. Michelle. He weighed 9lbs and 10 oz 21 1/2 inches long. This is funny because when Walker went to his first doctors appointment his measurements were the same. As you can tell we breed big boys at this house. They said that everything looked great. Our second appointment was for his circumcision!!! Like Walker, I did not watch but of course Josh had to watch to make sure they got it right. He did pretty good considering the experience. I hate that we have to make that decision but I know it is for the best. The next event was Valentine's Day!! I didn't have time to get Walker anything big so he got a box of sweet tarts and a card and Aden got a card and a hands free bottle that works great. I tried it out that night so I could have dinner ready when Josh got home and it worked perfect.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Boone Look-alike Meter
I thought Walker looked a little more like me but I guess not.
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Genealogy search - Genealogy software
Monday, February 11, 2008
This was different then with Walker b/c with Walker I really only remember the labor pain but with Aden I felt the contraction up to about 9 cm.
It went as followed-4:30 Wednesday morning I woke up feeling different and then I felt the little gush. It was yellow and brown this time so I wasn't sure if it was my water breaking or what, so I sat there for a few minutes. Then started the cramping and light contractions. I woke Josh up and told him to call his mom and then I called the doctor. He told me to come on in to take a look. We finished getting ready while my contraction were about 4 minutes apart. Josh's mom got to our house at 5:30am and off to the hospital we went. On the way to the hospital the contractions got stronger and became 3 minutes apart. This time I tried breathing and squeezing the heck out of Josh's hand. It seemed to help a little bit. We got to the hospital around 6:00am and they checked me which I was 6 1/2cm by that time and they told me that the baby was in stress. The sweet nurse saw that I was scared and in a lot of pain so she reassured me that the baby was fine and that she would start pump me with pain meds b/c they didn't think I would have time for a epidural. The doctor checked me again at 7:45am and I was a 9cm. They then had my room ready because we arrived during shift change and we were waiting on a room and a nurse. A little past 8:00am I was able to get my epidural and this time the guy was great b/c it worked so good. Around 8:40am I started pushing, I pushed about 5 times, then the nurse called the doctor in b/c Aden's heart rate was in the 80s. He came in and told me that we had to get the baby out and he had to use the forceps. (Thank God for the epidural)Within 5 minutes Aden was out.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I am playing catch up and I could not pass over the snow pictures. Walker had so much fun but unfortunately the poor child has taken after his mommy on clumsiness. Just as we got him all dressed he tripped on his way to the door and busted his lip. The whole time outside he kept going to the gutter and putting his glove under the cold water and putting that to his lip. I don't know how he knew to do that at all. I guess he's just a smart little boy.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sorry I haven't posted any pictures but these past two weeks have been so busy between birth, visitors, Josh working late, gauze being left in me, Aden being circumcised, and now Walker sick with a high(104.5)fever, I haven't had time to down load any pictures. I promise that this weekend I will update you. Thanks everyone who has helped us with food or the kids, I don't think that I would have made it.
P.S. And now our dog Elmo is sick. He won't eat and barely drink so I guess that is one more trip to a doctor's office. Does it ever stop?
P.S. And now our dog Elmo is sick. He won't eat and barely drink so I guess that is one more trip to a doctor's office. Does it ever stop?
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