Tuesday, December 4, 2007

3D Baby

This is the best one
You can see how crowed with his feet at is head.
That is his little hand in front of his chin.

On November 3rd we had our 3D pictures taken of the baby. He did a lot better than Walker did but it could be that I ran and got a latte before the show. I made the appointment on a Saturday so all the Grandparents could be there. Everyone included Josh, Walker, Mom, Nanny, Beth, Bernie, Dad, Vicki, Lindsay, and me of course. They said that everything looked great and he was still in breech position but not to worry because there is plenty of time to move. He is really a he and already weighed almost 4 pounds. She said he was in the 55th percentile for everything. I know this was extra money but it was worth it to see and hear that everything was great.

1 comment:

Robin said...

The top picture looks like he already has a shirt with a collar on. Can't wait to see the real thing!