Tuesday, September 4, 2007

No picture just wanted to tell on Josh. Yesterday I was really tired when Walker woke up so Josh got him and took him downstairs to feed him. An hour went by and I'm laying in bed asleep when I hear a sweet little voice say Mama. I open my eyes and it is Walker with a cup and toy in his hands. I look around and I can't find Josh so I call out for him. He yells back that he is in the bathroom downstairs. I jump up and look and Josh left the gate open downstairs. Walker climbed all the stairs by himself. :0 I am so glad that he didn't decide to go back down them when he made it to the top. Josh said that is why moms stay at home and dads shouldn't. I agree! :)

P.S. Tomorrow is the day we find out what we are having!!! I can't believe how fast it has been. I will post the answer on the blog so I don't have to call everybody!! More news tomorrow!


Peggy said...

Oh My Gosh!! How precious!! I lost my internet service and did not realize it until the weekend so after 2 hrs. on the phone with AT&T I am up and running!! How touching to see the pictures of Wilmer and he will be missed especially at our picnic!! You have felt the baby move!! Oh my gosh, that's wonderful!! I don't remember you telling me about that but you know how my life has been these past four months!! Now it seems that since she is by herself at night she's starting to get depressed!! I'm headed up there this afternoon to start getting the stuff up for the guy to clean her carpets tomorrow!! Maybe, I'll be able to cheer her up! She's starting to feel bad about not being able to prepare any meals nor clean her house!! I think she might be worried about Polly's procedure tomorrow too!! Call me about when ya'll find out about the baby!! Also, you need to take a picture of Walker in my Tahoe!!ha! love all, Mom

Jennifer said...

I will be checking the blog as soon as the plane lands in Atlanta! Can't wait!

Jennifer said...

Its Wednesday at 4:39 p.m.! The Tingle family is just waiting to see what the new addition to the Boone Family will be!