Friday, July 13, 2007

Road Trip

Tuesday me, mom, nanny, & Walker left for South Georgia. Walker and I went to stay with our cousins James, Robin, & Briana while mom and nanny stayed with Aunt Polly. Tuesday I was in a hurry to get the house cleaned and pack both of us that I let Walker crawl all over the upstairs.(Big mistake!) When I found him he had unrolled the brand new roll of toilet paper in my bathroom. I couldn't get mad because he was laughing way to much to get mad. Tuesday when got to South Georgia around 4:30pm so we dropped nanny and mom off and went to Briana's swim practice where she swam faster than a fish. ( Good luck Saturday Briana!!!!!) After that we went back to Polly's for dinner than to Robin's. Walker was so happy to see them (or it could have been the SWEET TEA nanny gave him.) that he would not settle down until 11:00pm but he did sleep to 10:00am the next morning. Wednesday James surprised us and took off work which was a nice surprise. We swam some and I got burnt, we saw the new church they are building and then James treated us out to Mexican!!!!! My favorite!! Thursday we woke up, ate breakfast, packed everything back up, took a nap with Walker, ate lunch, and by that time it was time to go home. We had such a good time with the Mobley family that I felt like I was on vacation!! Thank you so much for everything and thank you Briana for being so good with Walker. He loves you so much!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I think that Ty and Walker have been talking about that toilet paper stuff!