We went Sunday to the annual Christmas tree farm with my parents, sister, and this time my Grandmomma Roach. I keep trying to find a tree farm between my dad and us but it is not working out. I think next year we will go back to Bethany Tree Farm. We still like always made the best of it and pretended to cut down a tree for Walker. He had a blast running around, the hay ride, picking cotton, and of course eating funnel cake. It was so sweet b/c he saw his Nana giving Grandmomma some funnel cake so when he saw she didn't have anymore he gave her his part. How smart and sweet was that!! I just love this kid more and more each day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christms Tree Time!!!!!
We went Sunday to the annual Christmas tree farm with my parents, sister, and this time my Grandmomma Roach. I keep trying to find a tree farm between my dad and us but it is not working out. I think next year we will go back to Bethany Tree Farm. We still like always made the best of it and pretended to cut down a tree for Walker. He had a blast running around, the hay ride, picking cotton, and of course eating funnel cake. It was so sweet b/c he saw his Nana giving Grandmomma some funnel cake so when he saw she didn't have anymore he gave her his part. How smart and sweet was that!! I just love this kid more and more each day.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Okay I am getting caught up with all my post!!!! This past weekend we had a Christmas party at my mom's house were you bring a gift for a woman, man, and your child if you have one. I got a very pretty Christmas Barn, Josh got a flash light, and we gave Walker a t-ball set. It was great because Walker knew what to do as soon as we got it out of the box. He had a blast playing with it for a long time outside.

From the time we took off Walker's shoes and placed his feet in the sand he was running. In 30 to 45 minutes Walker ran up and down the beach, chased all the birds away, found a seashell, played in the sand, put his feet in the water, and watched two guys fishing with nets. All this while laughing and screaming with joy. Seeing Walker enjoy the beach this much put a little tear in the eye of complete happiness for me.
Thanksgiving Weekend

I forgot to take a picture of Walker on Thanksgiving Day in his cute little sweater vest but trust me he was very cute. Thanksgiving Day we went to Grandmom Elaine's family then went back to her house so Walker could take a nap. After her house we swung by Nanny's to see her for about 2 hours or more. Are you wondering why we didn't get to the Boone's house? That is because the very next day we left to go to the BEACH with them!!!!!! Yay, finally a vacation that Josh agreed to go on. (He doesn't like missing work, but most of the shops were closed the day after Thanksgiving) It was a very cold and way to short of a trip but I(we) had a great time.The weather was suppose to be in the high 70s but ended being in the high 50s to low 60s. In other words very very cold. That didn't stop us we still went and looked at the water with Walker(to windy to walk along the beach)and watched the lighting of the Christmas tree. When we woke up Sunday it was warmer and not windy so we took Walker to the beach to play. He LOVED it. I had us dress alike so we could try to get a picture all together. Walker on the beach Sunday made my whole trip worth very goose bump I had on Saturday. The good thing is that Josh felt the same way. Thanks so much Grandmama and Grandaddy for taking us to Jekyll Island we love it!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Shower Time
I have a wonderful friend that threw me a great shower. It was a treat since most my family doesn't give you a 2nd shower. I got a lot of clothes and bunch of other stuff I asked for. I had already bought the comforter along time ago when I saw it on sale with Pottery Barn. The baby's room will be done in old time race cars which Josh picked out. I will post a picture when I get that room ready. I am waiting on the crib to come in which should be next week I hope.
3D Baby
On November 3rd we had our 3D pictures taken of the baby. He did a lot better than Walker did but it could be that I ran and got a latte before the show. I made the appointment on a Saturday so all the Grandparents could be there. Everyone included Josh, Walker, Mom, Nanny, Beth, Bernie, Dad, Vicki, Lindsay, and me of course. They said that everything looked great and he was still in breech position but not to worry because there is plenty of time to move. He is really a he and already weighed almost 4 pounds. She said he was in the 55th percentile for everything. I know this was extra money but it was worth it to see and hear that everything was great.
I almost forgot about our pumpkins. Josh doesn't like us to carve them to early because they will be rotten for Halloween so we carve the night before. This year was the first year that I have carved one all by myself and it was so easy. We bought one for Walker, one for me, and one for Josh to carve. We carved Walker's but he helped on getting the seeds out. I think mine turned out the best!
This year Walker was a cute little monkey for Halloween. I was so impressed because he would wear the costume for hours and not complain once. I think he takes after his daddy and loves the attention. We went to his first Halloween party the Saturday before Halloween. We had fun watching all the kids dressed up and playing with each other. There was a couple of guys there that brought mask to scare the kids and it worked. The girls would scream and run towards the men and most of the boys including Walker ran the other way and cried. I will say that the boys were younger then the girls and didn't understand that it was a person. On Halloween I got Walker's picture made in his outfit and then went to Charles and Kathryn's house to trick or treat. This year we actually went door to door for a lot of houses. Both Walker and Kathryn did very good during the whole thing. Charles was great - he has become a pro at getting candy from anybody.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
October visit with Grandmama Boone
Okay I know that it has been awhile since I have posted but I have been occupied with baby stuff that I can't think straight at times. Now I will update you with the pictures and events. The week before Halloween we went to see Grandmama Boone in her assisted living place, which by the way is real nice. I actually remembered to take a picture this time. Perfect timing because she just got her hair done. Aren't they cute.
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Saturday after the pumpkin patch was my cousin's wedding. They have been engaged forever and I was glad to see them finally married. Everything was so pretty and my cousin was gorgeous in her dress. Walker was cute also in his outfit. I must say that he was the best dancer there.
Second Pumpkin patch
Maybe next year or not.
Boone family
Josh is teaching him early.
After telling you that Walker had the stomach flu for the week, that Friday he was feeling a little better and I had to get out of the house. So I called Walker's Nana and Papa to see what they were doing. We planned to go to Burt's pumpkin patch in Dawsonville for the day. Josh's sister told us last year that they went during the week and it wasn't crowded at all, we thought we would try it this year. Walker and I got up Friday morning and started getting ready to go then Josh came home and surprised us by going with us. I was so glad to see him and I knew deep down he wanted to go but just didn't want to admit it. We all got in his truck then squeezed everyone in at Nana and Papa's house. It ended being Josh, Lindsay, Nana,& Papa up front then me, Walker, and Grandmom in the back. Josh's sister was right, hardly a crowd there at all. This time we got to ride the hayride which took you back to see where they grow the pumpkins and really take our time letting Walker play with all the pumpkins. I can never get out of that place without buying their goodies. We bought two pumpkins,two fried apple pies(only b/c it said on the label "Walker's Fried Apple Pies") one pumpkin roll, one slice of pumpkin pie, and a t-shirt for Walker. All in all it was a great day. I can't wait until next year!!!
After telling you that Walker had the stomach flu for the week, that Friday he was feeling a little better and I had to get out of the house. So I called Walker's Nana and Papa to see what they were doing. We planned to go to Burt's pumpkin patch in Dawsonville for the day. Josh's sister told us last year that they went during the week and it wasn't crowded at all, we thought we would try it this year. Walker and I got up Friday morning and started getting ready to go then Josh came home and surprised us by going with us. I was so glad to see him and I knew deep down he wanted to go but just didn't want to admit it. We all got in his truck then squeezed everyone in at Nana and Papa's house. It ended being Josh, Lindsay, Nana,& Papa up front then me, Walker, and Grandmom in the back. Josh's sister was right, hardly a crowd there at all. This time we got to ride the hayride which took you back to see where they grow the pumpkins and really take our time letting Walker play with all the pumpkins. I can never get out of that place without buying their goodies. We bought two pumpkins,two fried apple pies(only b/c it said on the label "Walker's Fried Apple Pies") one pumpkin roll, one slice of pumpkin pie, and a t-shirt for Walker. All in all it was a great day. I can't wait until next year!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The reason I haven't updated the blog in a week or more is b/c all last week Walker was sick with the stomach flu. It started off Tuesday and ended Saturday morning. It was so heart breaking to see this little body throwing up and him not knowing what was going on. I didn't take any pictures of him but I hope he never gets it again. I know that is asking a lot but one can only hope.
1st pumkin patch
(Jenn and I didn't plan our matching outfits)
Walker looking for a pumpkin.
We went to a pumpkins patch in McDonough on the 7th of this month with some friends of ours the Tingle family. I was so excited because Walker was going to see his friend Ty and they haven't seen each other since both started walking. At first they both didn't know what to think but then they warmed up to each other around the animals. It was so hot but I still think that they had a fun time. Maybe next year we can go later in the month.
We went to a pumpkins patch in McDonough on the 7th of this month with some friends of ours the Tingle family. I was so excited because Walker was going to see his friend Ty and they haven't seen each other since both started walking. At first they both didn't know what to think but then they warmed up to each other around the animals. It was so hot but I still think that they had a fun time. Maybe next year we can go later in the month.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Family Reunion
Last weekend we had a annual Dowd family reunion at Stone Mountain. I know everybody thinks Josh and I are nuts for looking forward to them, but we do! This year I found time to make three things: pumpkin layered bread(which I probably will not make again), strawberry cake, and corn casserole. After we ate some cousins and I went to the front lawn of the park to let Walker run around and take pictures. He had so much fun with his cousin Briana chasing her. Walker saw a lady laying on her back in the grass and apparently thought that he could jump on her, so he went running over to her with his hands up about to jump and my cousin James grabbed him just in time. She didn't seem that nice so I'm glad he didn't make it. After we played on the grass we went to wait to ride the train. We waited and waited and waited and decided that it was going to be awhile before we rode the train again. The train finally came and everyone shoves you to get on the train(even if you are holding a baby),you ride around the mountain and then you get off. Not worth the money yet for Walker. I remember riding it when I was little and they had shows and things going on the whole time you rode it but not anymore.
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