He LOVED it!
Singing Happy Birthday
Ansley and Walker being silly!!
Aunt Ansley with the boys
Granny and the birthday boy
Mommy and her boys
Granny with the Boone Boys
Mommy, Aden, Walker, and Ansley
Aden's excited face.
Sweet birthday boy.
Sweet brothers!! (for now)
For Aden's birthday we decided to go to the Zoo since it was such a nice day. The weather was perfect and there was hardly anybody at the zoo. We were there for a good two hours and everything was perfect. After the zoo we went and ate pizza at Grant Central in east Atlanta. Walker always loved eating there and now Aden loves it too, but the music was a little to loud for us this time. I think Aden had a great 1st birthday because he was such an angel the whole time. I love you birthday boy and I'm so proud to be your mommy!!!!!