Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Birthday morning
We took Walker to Toys-R-Us on his birthday so he could pick out his present. They gave him a crown, balloon, and announced his birthday over the intercom. Like a crazy mama I got teary eyed and had to walk away when they started announcing how old my baby boy Walker was.
See what Walker picked out. The giant dinosaur that we call Dino. Walker got to have some watered down coke from daddy.
Dino was thirsty too!!!!

Walker loves me to put Aden in his bed when Walker wakes up from his nap. On this day I let then lay with each other for about 10 minutes and when I went to pick Aden up Walker put his hands on Aden and said MINE.(Walker's favorite new word) I had to talk him into letting me have Aden back. It was easy b/c he gave him up for juice. I will have to say it has been a breeze with Walker getting along with Aden. So far I haven't seen much jealousy and Walker tries to help when Aden starts crying. The other day when I was in the shower Josh said that Aden started fussing a little and Walker ran and got an old bottle and tried to give it to Aden. He is such a sweet older brother!!!

Aden's 3 Month picture

I could not get him to stay seated that's why he looks shorter this month b/c I had to scoot him down so he wouldn't fall forward.

Aden's Christening

Robert and Aden
Aden was so much better then Walker was at his christening which surprised me. Aden started to fuss a little but Robert can get any baby to smile.

Josh, Robert, Aden, me, and Walker

Big bro little bro matching outfits.

Josh hates it but I love matching them sometimes when I know we are going or doing something special. Sometimes I don't mean to but the whole family matches.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Park

Big Kid Slide
Bigger Kid Slide
Aden watching his brother
Walker and Daddy going down the fast slide
They finally put in a playground at our park!! I saw that it was open and had Josh go there so Walker could play out some energy. There is a small section for Walker's age kids and then a large section for the bigger kids, of course we could not keep Walker off the big kid part. He loved every minute and HATED to leave. I am glad that we have a playground to go to but I still don't feel comfortable enough to go by myself.


The Boys
Family Reunion in South Georgia
Walker and Daddy

Mommy, Granny, and Aden
Kissing Cousins(Walker and Miranda)
The Crew

Josh, Walker, Me, Momma, Jennifer, Miranda, & my brother Bryan