Walker now has 7 teeth and he knows how to use them. You can barely see the one on the top right.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Walker's Day
For Walker's birthday I made it his day. We did everything that he loves to do. First, we played in the back yard all morning until his nap time which he loved. Second, we went to see Nanny because she didn't get to come to his party. We came home in time for his afternoon nap. When he woke up we played outside again then came in for dinner. I also let him have a cupcake to eat. He just about ate the whole thing - piglet. After his cake Josh came home so we went to Grant Park and played. Before we left for the park we turned Walker's car seat around and he giggled the whole way to the park. He loves being able to see us and everything around him. After his big long day Walker was very much ready for bed.
Mother's Day
We were suppose to go to church but like always we play with Walker to much that we look at the clock and it is to late. We ended up going to the Boone's for lunch and Walker got to go swimming for the first time then we ate dinner at home. Papa, Nana, & aunt Lindsay stopped by to say happy Mother's day. Josh and I were still so tired from the day before. As you can see Walker loved the pool.
1st Birthday Party!
I cannot believe that a year has gone by already! Josh and I have really been blessed with such a wonderful little boy that I cannot thank God enough. We had Walker's birthday party on May 12th and invited just Walker's Great Grandmothers, Grandparents, aunts and uncles. Walker had a ball playing with everyone(he loves attention) and eating one of his favorites - hot dogs. Josh made the turtle cake because he has more patents when it come to things like that. Next year I decided that Mr. Publix will be making it. (Too time consuming!)
Friday, May 11, 2007
Walker is such an outside person just like his daddy so most mornings after he eats breakfast I let him crawl all over our back porch. This was the first time he found the water bowl.
These are some pictures I took of Walker in the front yard while his daddy worked in the yard.
Sorry Jenn T I know it has been a long time since I posted. I have been visiting Grandmothers and getting ready for Walker's 1st birthday party. It is so very true that kids grow up way to fast, but I have enjoyed every minute of it. This past week Walker got 2 new teeth on the bottom and 1 is trying to cut through the top now. Two cute things Walker likes to do know is snapping(you can really hear it pretty good) and saying(listening) the blessing. The other day Josh, Walker, & I were out to eat when we got our food Josh & I just started eating like normal then we looked over at Walker and he had is cute little hands pressed together with this look on his face of confused just looking at both of us. You see, we always say the blessing at home before we eat and he loves it but I guess we forgot since we were out. We stopped right then and said the blessing and Walker was all smiles again.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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